Saturday, December 28, 2019

Political and Social Turmoil in Venezuela - 1475 Words

Venezuela officially called the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is a country on the northern coast of South America. It is known widely for its petroleum industry but it is now its roughest situations of all times. Milton Friedman once said that, if you put the government in charge of the Sahara desert, there’ll eventually be a shortage of sand. No wonder that, after 14 years of socialist government, Venezuela the country with the world’s largest oil reserves is currently importing gasoline. This fact highlights Venezuela’s agonizing dive into chaos as the economy crumbles and the nation’s social fabric unravels. Venezuela is now witnessing its largest protests in a decade. President Nicolas Maduro who is a affiliate and follows the socialist norms took power almost a year ago and has cracked down on demonstrations with unprecedented force, using the National Guard and armed paramilitary gangs. There is a considerable portion of the population that is fed up with the country’s rapidly weakening financial system. The government has run out of cash and now relies on printing money to finance itself. As a result this country has the highest inflation rate in the world. The Venezuelan population lives with a social anxiety day to day. They have a discomfort and fear when a figure from a higher social group proclaims a new norm to follow. As it is for now they are living imposed to price controls and there is shortage of food and medicines in the entire country. One outShow MoreRelatedLatin America Revolutions Essay775 Words   |  4 PagesPortugal lost control of Brazil, and Spain was forced to withdraw from all its American empire except for Cuba and Puerto Rico. Colonial government in South America came to an end. Three countries where revolts were successfully established were Haiti, Venezuela, and Brazil. 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